Making Menopause support accessible and achievable in your workplace

MOTH TLC's mission is to support individuals and organisations, to foster an inclusive and open dialogue, helping women to thrive personally and professionally.

We do this through sensitive, open and inclusive educational programmes and workshops; we go beyond education, providing tailored support to ensure that quality of life and workplace performance are enhanced and maximised.

We recognise that no one workplace is the same, just as each person's menopause journey is different too.

We will work with you to create support to meet your organisation's needs.


Summary of services

Bespoke support to set you apart as an inclusive and nurturing employer


1:1 Executive or employee confidential coaching, utilising the trifecta of Leadership, Menopause & Therapeutic Coaching, with a sprinkle of Therapy skills


Workshops, bespoke programmes, speaker and expert panel discussions, to arm employees with knowledge, to feel empowered and in control of their menopause.


Assisting your employees to enhance their productivity, performance and well-being, by engaging in support programmes and connecting with Menopause Advocates.

Bespoke menopause services created to meet your organisation's needs, to create a supportive, inclusive and open environment

We can work together in a variety of ways



Coaching 1:1

Menopause can be a time of confusion and turbulence for some people. But it has the opportunity for growth, expansion and self-development, with the right support in place.

Our trifecta of Leadership, Therapeutic and Menopause coaching facilitates a bespoke approach for each individual.

Utilising a therapist & coach who understands the importance of the balance between, work, rest and leisure, and who is equipped with a toolkit of strategies that supports employees’ difficulties, is invaluable to your organisation. Subsequently aiding retention, reducing absenteeism and empowering confidence, productivity and performance.

An online confidential Menopause Clinic can be provided exclusively for your employees:

Pre-bookable 30-minute 1:1 appointments for staff within your organisation to obtain targeted support.


Group Programmes

Menopause is an issue that affects everyone within an organisation, including managers, leaders and co-workers, whether they are female, male, non-binary or transgender.

Education is a paramount starting point, to increase awareness of the challenges that impact your employees.

MOTH TLC's programmes go beyond education and offer a supportive container where employees feel safe and heard, at all levels within your organisation, no matter your size.

Training courses available:

1/ Mini Meno workshop for all employees

An overview of Menopause facts and solutions - 90 -120 mins

2/ Mini Meno workshop for managers & leaders

Menopause facts to understand the impact on employees, how to have an open conversation and understand your obligations as an employer - 90-120 mins

3/ Men and Menopause workshop

What you need to know and how you can support your colleagues and loved ones - 90-120 mins

4/ 12 session Thrive programme

Navigating the 12 pillars of Menopause solutions to health, wellness and vitality in life and the workplace - 12 x 90 mins

5/ Bespoke programmes or workshops

To meet your organization's needs, e.g. sleeping soundly, stress management, psychological wellness and more

6/ Business development away days/retreats

To motivate and connect your workforce and improve health & wellbeing


Menopause Advocates

The Menopause Advocate training enables your employees to obtain confidential support in a timely and effective way, within your organisation.

A Menopause Advocate's training promotes curiosity, compassion and communication.

Menopause Advocates are a mark of a supportive and inclusive employer, aiding recruitment and retention of valuable staff.

This in-house 4 hour training will equip your advocates to understand the impact of menopause, how they can best support their individual colleagues and the wider workplace.

Training can be delivered in 2 x 2 hour sessions or one half day.

Refresher training is available on a quarterly, six monthly or yearly basis, to provide essential updates and support your advocates in their role.

Would you like to discover more?

Free 30-minute clarity call

If you are interested in a no-obligation call, so you can share your story and we can get to know each other, I would love to hear from you.

Free 30-minute Masterclass

Maybe your company isn't ready to commit to a full programme, or you would like to see how we can work effectively within your organisation.

You are welcome to arrange a free no-obligation online Menopause Masterclass, which will give you an overview of some of the key menopause facts and solutions.

Menopause policy and procedures

We can assist you with writing and implementing menopause and menstruation policies, writing and supporting with risk assessments, identifying reasonable adjustments and implementing support.

Together we can create an empowered, open and inclusive workplace

MOTH TLC's Proposal Brochure

Would you like to know more to share information with your organisation?

Download the Ebook proposal brochure to keep and refer back to at your convenience.

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Company Number 15850394